Veerle Waelkens

Veerle is a Bachelor in Speech therapy and Audiology (1989, Arteveldehogeschool Ghent). She specialised in fluency disorders at the Arteveldehogeschool and has since attended workshops by several authorities in the field of fluency disorders.She works as a lecturer in speech-fluency disorders and speech and Language disorders at the Arteveldehogeschool and in her private practice where she focuses on screening, diagnosis and treatment of stuttering, cluttering and and different disorders that effect the clients self-esteem, social aspects of communication (dysphasia, dyspraxia, speech anxiety,...). She is also the co-ordinator of a stuttering-treatment team that consults, counsels, trains and supports family-members and other communication-partners (Individual counselling and parental group sessions, program for teachers). Acts as a facilitator of and takes part in several intervisiongroups according to the ‘Incident method'. The intervision focusses on fluency.