
Martine Vanryckeghem


Martine received her MS and Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University after having worked for 12 years as a speech-language pathologist in Belgium. Dr. Vanryckeghem, who is a Pegasus Professor at the University of Central Florida, is an ASHA fellow, and a Board Certified Fluency Specialist. She has published widely in peer-reviewed journals and has given workshops, internationally, with respect to evidence-based assessment and treatment of children and adults whose fluency is problematic. For her international endeavors, Prof. Vanryckeghem received ASHA's Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Contribution in International Achievement. From 1990 until 2000, she was managing editor of the Journal of Fluency Disorders and is currently on the editorial board of several professional journals. Dr. Vanryckeghem is on the Scientific Board of different internationally-based organizations and serves as a consultant to clinicians and students.


University of Central Florida


  • Ph.D. 1994;
  • MS 1991;
  • Graduate 1977


For a list of publications, see scholar.google.com/... ↗

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