
Jaqueline Carmona


Jaqueline works as a lecturer in fluency disorders at the Department of SpeechTherapy at Health School in Higher Education at Acoitão which she combines with her clinical work. Clinically she focuses on screening, diagnosis, and treatment of Stuttering and Cluttering. She also coordinates and gives workshops on fluency disorders for SLT's, and also for other professionals: teacher's, kindergarten educators among others.






BSc in Speech Therapy; BSc in Linguistics


  • Reichel, I.; K; Ademola-Sokoya, G. A.; Aumont-Boucand, V.; Bona, J.; Carmona, J.; Cosyns, M.; Filatova, Y.; Haj-Tas, M.; Kelkar, P.; Remman, R. R.; Mayomoto, S.; Özdemir, S.; Sanghi, M.; Schnell, A.;  Touzet Bian, B. & Yang, S. (2019). A Decade of Collaboration among International Representatives of the International Cluttering Association. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 4, 1573–1580. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1044/2019_PERS-SIG17-2019-066
  • Carmona, J. (2021) Member of the project: Dicionário Terminológico de Terapia da Fala. Papa-letras. ISBN: 978-989-8214-73-7
  • Carmona, J. (2020). Teleprática em Terapia da Fala: Linhas orientadoras para Terapeutas da Fala Papa-letras. ISBN: 978-989-8214-74-4
  • Carmona, J. e Santos, R. (2018). Perturbações da Comunicação, Linguagem e Fala In N. Lobo Antunes (Ed.), Sentidos. Lisboa: Lua de Papel. 91-107. ISBN: 9789728974824
  • Rocha, M., Reis, A. & Carmona, J. (2016). Competências Fonológicas em crianças de cinco anos de idade que gaguejam. Revista Portuguesa de Terapia da Fala, 6, 8-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21281/rptf.2016.06.01
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