George Fourlas

George holds a degree in Education (Athens), a M.Ed. in Educational Psychology (University College Cardiff) and a M.Sc in Clinical Communication Studies (SLT) (City University, London). He is a Speech and Language Therapist, head of the Stuttering Research and Therapy Centre (ΚΕΘΤ) in Athens, Greece. He is involved in clinical work, clinical supervision, mentoring and teaching. He has contributed in the development of therapy programmes for children and adults who stutter in Greek language. He is co-author of the Lexipontix programme. He has published papers and chapters in books and has given presentations in national and international conferences and workshops. He is a member of the Fluency Committee of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) and was the coordinator of the Special Interest Group in Fluency Disorders of the Panhellenic Association of Logopedists-Speech Therapists from 2008 until 2015.