Ellen Rombouts

Ellen Rombouts is an associate professor at KU Leuven, where she teaches the Bachelor and Master courses on fluency to preservice speech-language therapists (SLTs). She has reviewed for and published in international peer-reviewed journals. Her research on stuttering focuses on the potential of Virtual Reality in addressing anxiety. She aims to develop evidence-based ways to support persons who stutter by examining individual and environmental factors that mitigate/exacerbate anxiety.
In recognition that science should advance the SLT profession and quality of care, Ellen Rombouts is a member of the Scientific Council of the Flemish SLT professional organization. The Scientific Council collaborates with governmental agencies aiming to disseminate scientific findings to the SLT community, develop scientifically based clinical guidelines, consult on scientific methodology in the development of therapy materials, and hear the voice of the SLT community regarding the need for scientific study.