Anne Breda

Anne worked as a fluency specialist for 35 years, specialised in working with families. She is a former guest lecturer in the Postgraduate Program on Fluency Disorders at the U College Artevelde in Ghent, Belgium. She works as a lecturer and is a trainer in the Postgraduate Program ‘Coaching and Inspiring' in the same University College. She specialized, in addition to fluency disorders, as a ‘Systemic psychotherapist, Solution-Focused Therapy' (Bruges, Korzybski Institute, 2005), ‘Postgraduate program Mindfulnesstrainer' (U College Artevelde, 2011) and ‘Coach, Coaching & Inspiring' (U College Artevelde, 2012). She introduced the coaching role of the SLT in the curriculum of the Speech & Language Bachelor at the U College Artevelde. She organised clinical intervision for fluency specialists in the same U college. She is organizing a mindfulnessbased ‘Mild for Stress' program for colleagues since 2014 (The Academy, U college Artevelde). She coaches individuals, teams and organisations and supervises intervision sessions in the working field.